Windows 95 - The Right Choice Robin Clay So you've all heard of OS/2 warp. Here's why Windows 95 is the right operating system for you! Enhanced Error Handling: Over the past 12 months, MicroSoft have been working intesively on the bugs inherent in Windows 3.1. The result: an advanced operating system with greatly enhanced bugs. All of the Windows 3.1 bugs are present in Windows 95, and run faster than ever. We have also introduced a range of new bugs never before seen in an operating system of this type. Whether you are a professional programmer, a casual user, or a game player, Windows 95 offers a larger range of bugs than any other operating system on the market : 32-bit memory management: Windows 95 offers full 32 bit management of 16 bit memory. After a considerable amount of work, the familiar "General Protection Fault" is nowhere to be seen. The GPF has been replaced by two significantly improved errors: "Specific Protection Fault" - used to corrupt an individual 16-bit process; and "Global Protection Fault" - this powerful memory management facility will allow a corrupt process not only to corrupt all other running processes, but corrupt process on all other machines within a five-mile radius. Even now we are developing "pre-emptive" memory management, which will be able to corrupt processes which are not yet running! Threaded Multitasking: The cooperative multi-tasking found in windows 3.1 has been replaced with the far more powerful "uncooperative multi-tasking". This enhancement will allow several processes to crash simultaneously. Our new crash protection facility greatly enhances the multitasking environment. Should one process fail, the GPF will prevent this process from being disturbed by other cleanly running processes. The multi-threaded environment allows one process to generate multiple errors, while still remaining seperate from other threads. Time-saving Abilities: Everyone has had their system crash whilst editing a document that had not yet been saved. Re-entering the lost data can be frustating and time-consuming. Windows 95 addresses this problem by causing processes to crash MUCH earlier, significantly reducing data loss. So, anyone can see why Windows 95 offers greater power at a greater price than any other operating system available today. So, when choosing your next operating system, remember our motto. Windows 95 - Tommorow's bugs... Today! END ===